Mundane post –commonly used apps on phone/tablet

After all the initial ‘new device’ excitement with iPhone, iPad and Touchpad over past few years here let me take stock.

I installed roughly 100-200 apps on the iPhone/iPad.  

The cycle:  install neat new app, then rarely use it again; but update regularily nevertheless.

Most used applications:

  • weather
  • news (BBC, Huffpost)
  • alarm clock (yes my $1000 alarm clock)
  • photography
    • iPhone: very handy, life-changing ability to quickly make copies of anything.. very convenient
    • iPad: only useful to view photos, and not well-designed at all (an utter mess actually)
  • travel/itinerary (very handy)
  • maps/GPS
  • finding friends current location
  • Twitter
  • texting.. awkward typing messages on tiny flat keypad though –prefer voice, or emails via desktop computer
  • calendar/reminders
  • notes

Other apps that I occasionally use but haven’t made routine part of my life:  book readers, photo light meters, song recognizers, oh.. and games.. convenient for games (light entertainment) but that is not a big part of my routine.

So there are 100+ apps on my phone that I will never use again.. so for all Apple’s claims about 100,000’s of applications, 10 good ones would be even better.   So I could really make do with an original PDA. 🙂  but it’s sometimes nice to have the infinite flexibility of the new iPhone-like devices.

Surprisingly I do not use the device for email; even for reading email.